The meaning of our name and our logo.

Our project was born inside the Christian group Caminho da Graça (Way of the Grace). Its root explains both the name that was given to the project and the choice of the logo.

The name.

Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life” (Jh 14, 1-6). For Christians this is an invitation to follow His example of unconditional love for all.

It is a simple and yet powerful and universal message, to follow which the founders of WN committed themselves. The name "Way to the Nations" was given as omen to bring love to those in need, beyond any cultural or physical borders.

The logo.

The Christian movement Way of the Grace has as a logo white path crossing a blue globe. Since WN was born in this movement and since a root crossing the world perfectly represents the idea of a "way to the Nations", the founders decided to keep the same logo, only adding some colors.

The first colors added to the blue globe were green and orange, with a bit of brown and red. With their bright tone, they represented the connection between Brazil and Africa.

As the years passed by, WN was joined by people from different countries of the world. The Way to the Nations is no longer a route from Brazil to Africa and vice versa but, exactly as since the beginning hoped by the founders, a world net of people sharing the same values.

We thought, then, that the logo should have new, only "African" colours, that represent the common commitment of all of us to save the children accused of witchcraft.

Here is our new logo!
